The following is a directory of Scotts Bluff County NE top employers with direct links to the jobs they offer. This directory includes local city job links as well as the larger job posting boards. Scotts Bluff County's primary cities for this review are Gering and Scottsbluff. Only sources that have job listing pages, business directories, and/or legitimate human resources contact listings are provided below.
Employers that appeared to have the highest potential for ongoing employment opportunities during a particular review are displayed with a . Positions shown here are used as a sample to convey the potential volume and types of positions you are likely to find. Always use the links provided in order to view an employer's most current job openings.
Scotts Bluff County offers rewarding public service careers. Periodically a variety of job openings become available. On this review date there were open positions available for Deputy Public Defender, Corrections Officer, and Equipment Operator. The site provides an employment application.
● Scotts Bluff County NE Job Openings
● Scotts Bluff County Human Resources
● Scotts Bluff County Community Link Resources & Job Postings
The City of Gering NE provides a PDF employment application on their website. Jobs found included Director of Environmental Services, City Administrator, Library Page (Part Time), and Library Assistant I. Check for updates.
City of Gering NE Jobs
City of Scottsbluff NE hires for permanent and seasonal positions. Open positions included Solid Waste Equipment Operator, Environmental Services Jobs, Water Park Manager, Water Park Aide, Lifeguard, Parks/Cemetery Laborer, Environmental Services Laborer, Field Maintenance Groundskeeper, and Library Technician. Check for new listings.
City of Scottsbluff NE Jobs
Continue scrolling down on this page for a listing of top employers with links to the jobs they offer.
More employment resources are listed below, including top healthcare employers, public & private schools, job search, classifieds, staffing agencies, and job help resources.
Please note that the jobs listed in the Healthcare Jobs section represent a sampling of jobs found on a particular review date. You can visit the links provided for the most current opportunities.
Regional West Medical Center provides comprehensive and innovative health care services and employs approximately 2,000 staff members. Here you may find career opportunities for positions such as Certified Nurse Assistant, RN II Clinic, Oncology Data Specialist, Director of Security, Registered Nurse, Health Information Management, Registered Nurse Outpatient Surgery, Nursing Unit Manager, LPN Immunization Nurse, Certified Nurse Assistant Acute Rehab, Housekeeping Jobs, Environmental Services Jobs, Advanced Practice Clinician, Nursing Manager RN, Licensed Practical Nurse LPN, Certified Nurse Assistant Med Surg, Registered Nurse Med Surg, Food Service Assistant, Endoscopy Technician, Document Specialist, Computer Analyst, Information Systems Jobs, Facilities Mechanic, Staff Physical Therapist, Laboratory Assistant, EMT P, Ground Paramedic, Registered Diagnostic Radiologic Tech, Unit Secretary, CAT Scanner, Clinical Therapist Behavioral Health, Medical Record Specialist, Registered Nurse Operating Room, Medical Lab Technician, Social Worker BSW, Director of Information Systems, Echocardiogram Technologist, Chief Executive Officer, Pharmacy Technician, Respiratory Therapist, Advanced Practice Clinician, Registered MRI Technologist, EMT Basic, Registered Nurse Home Health, Registered Nurse Hospice, Physician Assistant, Ultrasound Technologist, Registered Mammography Technologist, CT Technologist, Registered Nurse Acute Rehab, Staff Speech Language Pathologist, and Lead Paramedic.
Regional West Medical Center Jobs
Please note that the jobs listed in the school jobs section represent a sampling of jobs found on a particular review date. You can visit the links provided for the most current opportunities.
Scottsbluff Public Schools offers career opportunities for certified teachers and support staff. During review there were a high volume of employment listings posted to include Secretary to the Principal, Life Skills Teacher, SPED Elementary Teacher, Elementary Math Teacher, P.E. Teacher, Para Educator, Behavior Para Educator, Elementary Teacher, SPED Elementary Teacher, Security, Speech Language Pathologist, School Psychologist, Night Custodian, Head Custodian, Certified Substitute Teacher, Assistant Varsity Football Coach/Defensive Coordinator, Elementary Teacher, Preschool Teacher, Director of Facilities & Maintenance, Sign Language Interpreter, Middle School Language Arts Teacher, Project Director, High School Math Teacher, Library Para Educator, Preschool Para Educator, Behavior Para Educator, After School Para Educator, PE Para Educator, SPED Para Educator, and Elementary School Teacher.
● Scottsbluff Public Schools Job Openings
● Scottsbluff Public Schools - Join Our Team
Gering Public Schools is a comprehensive school system offering education to students in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade. Students identified with special needs are served through a special education program. Job openings found included Substitute Paraprofessional Aide, Substitute Teacher, Kindergarten Paraprofessional, English Teacher FTE 0.5, Director of Curriculum, Science Teacher, English Teacher, Preschool Teacher, Assistant Track Coach, Assistant Boys Soccer Coach, and Speech-Language Pathologist.
● Gering Public Schools Job Openings
● Gering Public Schools - Join Our Team
Scottsbluff - Phone: 308-632-1420
Job Seeker Resources
This is the official State of Nebraska job board where you can find open positions working within various departments such as Health & Human Services Department, Game & Parks Commission, Probation Administration, Department of Roads, Department of Correctional Services, and other.
State of Nebraska Job Openings
Nebraska Department of Labor has links to career fairs and job services. They also provide a job link that has not yet been evaluated since ti was under construction on this review date.
● Nebraska Department of Labor
● NEworks Job Search
USAJOBS | CareerOneStop | Indeed |
EducationAmerica | HigherEdJobs | Monster |
ZipRecruiter | Glassdoor | SimplyHired |
Staffing agencies hire on a temporary, temporary-to-hire, and direct-hire basis. Here you may find office work, accounting jobs, nursing jobs, general labor, light warehouse, industrial assembly jobs, management, call center, customer service, administrative, clerical, custodial jobs, and more.
Adecco Staffing | Elwood Staffing | Express Employment Professionals | Kelly Services | Manpower Inc. Staffing
Learn how to apply for unemployment benefits, workers’ compensation, welfare or temporary assistance, and other programs and services that can help if you lose your job.
USA GOV Unemployment Help
Aerotek's positions fill quickly, but they're always adding new opportunities. Check their listings regularly and keep your profile updated. Click here to view listings in Nebraska.
For the latest job listings we recommend signing up for Worklooker's Job Alerts so that you can monitor a variety of fresh listings in your region.