The following is a directory of Albemarle County Virginia top employers with direct links to the jobs they offer. This directory includes local city job links as well as the larger job posting boards within the proximity of the county. This Albemarle County directory includes the City of Charlottesville and the Town of Scottsville job listings. Only sources that have job listing pages, business directories, and/or legitimate human resources contact listings are provided below.
Employers that appeared to have the highest potential for ongoing employment opportunities during a particular review are displayed with a . Positions shown here are used as a sample to convey the potential volume and types of positions you are likely to find. Always use the links provided in order to view an employer's most current job openings.
During this review Albemarle County was hiring and had a job openings available for Administrative Assistant Regional Jail, Assistant Principal, Automotive Service Assistant, Bus Driver - Transportation Department, Coaches, Communications Officers, Correctional Officer, Custodian, Database Programmer Analyst, EDEP Site Facilitator, EDEP Teacher After-School Program, Firefighter EMT Emergency Medical Technician, Food Service Associates, Head Varsity Football Coach, Licensed/Education Vacancies, Office Associate, Office Associate (Legal Secretary), Physician - Blue Ridge Juvenile Detention, Police Officer, Principals, Records Technician, Specialized Bus Driver, School Substitute Teacher Positions, Teaching Assistants, and Transportation Assistant.
Albemarle County Job Openings
The City of Charlottesville was hiring with open positions listed. During various surveys jobs were found such as Aquatics Instructor I, Parks and Recreation Instructor, Therapeutics Instructor, Group Fitness Instructor, Lifeguard, Neighborhood Planner, Playground Leader - Summer Camp, Summer Camp Leader, Recreation Aide (Aquatics Coach I), and Seasonal Maintenance Worker II.
City of Charlottesville Job Openings
The City of Charlottesville Chamber of Commerce Hot Jobs listing displayed the available positions of HIV Testing Coordinator, Health Educator, Outreach Specialist, and Finance Manager.
Charlottesville Chamber of Commerce Hot Job Listings | Charlottesville Chamber of Commerce Business Directory
Shenandoah National Park had a job openings in Luray (north of Charlottesville) for Motor Vehicle Operator (Trails) and Maintenance Worker - National Park Service NPS.
National Park Service Employment at Shenandoah National Park | Shenandoah National Park
Virginia Discovery Museum had employment opportunities for Program and Gallery Manager and Exhibits Internship.
Virginia Discover Museum Employment Opportunities
Boars Head Inn had a number of positions including Part-time Housekeeper, Reservations Sales Agent, Banquet Houseman, Cafe Attendant, Head Lifeguard, Swim Lesson Instructor, Banquet Captain, PBX Operator, Part-time Groundskeeper, Bell Staff/Driver Full-time & Part-time, Massage Therapist, Backwaiter, Teaching Tennis Professional, Outside Service Representative, Full-time Personal Trainer, Group Exercise Instructor, STOTT Pilates Reformer Instructors, Childcare Provider, and Banquet Server.
Boars Head Inn Jobs
Piedmont Family YMCA was hiring with positions listed such as Director of Youth Sports, Sports Site Supervisors, Referees, YMCA Sports Instructors, YMCA Assistant Swim Coaches, and YMCA Child Care Teachers.
Piedmont Family YMCA Job Opportunities
The Charlottesville Albemarle Airport has employment opportunities available through a number of sources.
1. First, check the Charlottesville Albemarle Airport Job Openings page for current opportunities. During this review there were openings posted for the Airport Market for Part-time Cashier.
2. If you are interested in Federal / Homeland security jobs working at Charlottesville Albemarle Airport you can monitor TSA Job Listings. Periodically TSA security checkpoint TSA Jobs like Transportation Security Officer TSO or Transportation Security Inspector (TSI) become available. During this review there were no TSA jobs listed.
3. Airlines jobs at Charlottesville Albemarle Airport can be obtained by visiting the individual ticket counters and requesting an employment application--it's recommended that you call ahead or visit the links provided here first. The major airlines operating out of Charlottesville are Delta Airlines, United Airlines, American Airlines. You can use the links provided to explore the various airlines and what jobs they may offer.
4. Additionally, airport car rental agencies such as Hertz, Avis, and National, provide employment opportunities. Also, as mentioned previously, The Market food and gifts had openings during this review. You can enquire about jobs at 434.973.9755 and send your resume to: Airport Market, 100 Bowen Loop, Suite 104, Charlottesville, VA 22911
The Paramount Theater had job openings for Box Office Associate and Paramount Theater Technical Internship Program.
The Paramount Theater Jobs
Charlottesville Fashion Square Mall had job opportunities posted for Bare Escentuals Assistant Boutique Manager, Bare Escentuals Boutique Manager, Bare Escentuals Key Holder, Best Buy Mobile Lead Sales Consultant, Best Buy Mobile Store Manager, and Best Buy Wireless Sales Consultant. Check their site for updates or contact individual retailers to enquire about opportunities.
Retail Jobs | List of Retailers at Charlottesville Fashion Square
Barracks Road Shopping Center did not appear to have an employment listing page. Contact individual retailers directly to enquire about opportunities.
Barracks Road Shopping Center Store Listing
Continue scrolling down on this page for a listing of top employers with links to the jobs they offer.
More employment resources are listed below, including top healthcare employers, public & private schools, job search, classifieds, staffing agencies, and job help resources.
Please note that the jobs listed in the Healthcare Jobs section represent a sampling of jobs found on a particular review date. You can visit the links provided for the most current opportunities.
Sentara Healthcare Charlottesville was hiring for a number of open positions such as Intensive Care Unit Nurse RN (ICU), Part-time Nurse Medical - Surgical Registered Nurse RN, Part-time Nursing Assistant Telemetry Care Unit, Part-time ICU Nurse RN, Full-time Telemetry Nurse, Ambulatory Surgery RN, Medical Assistant, Registered Nurse RN Cardiac Cath Lab, Full-time Nursing Assistant Oncology, Part-time Nursing Assistant Oncology, Part-time Phlebotomist, Clinical Nurse, Registered Radiological Technologist (PRN), Part-time Sonographer Ultrasound, Part-time RN Emergency Department, Staff Physical Therapist (PRN on call), IS Information Systems - Full-time Systems Engineer, and Emergency Department Registered Nurse RN (Emergency Department).
Sentara Healthcare Job Openings
University of Virginia Health System : University Hospital and surrounding facilities had job openings for positions such as Registered Nurse Radiation Oncology, RN Clinician Infusion Center, Registered Nurse Radiation Oncology, Patient Care Assistant Cancer Center, Administrative Assistant -Oncology, Administrative Assistant- NICU Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine Technician EMT, RN Plastic Surgery Clinic, Greeter Front Door Team, Licensed Practical Nurse LPN, Certified RN Anesthetist, Diagnostic Radiologic Technologist - Radiology, RN Clinician Surgical Transplant, Emergency Department Technician, Nurse Manager Adult Acute Care, Monitor Technician Cardiac Monitoring Center, RN Clinician PACU, Pharmacy Technician Cancer Center, Electrodiagnostic Technician, Registered Nurse RN Clinician Neurosurgery, Licensed Practical Nurse LPN Family Medicine, Medical Center Administrator, Registered Respiratory Therapist, and Electrodiagnostic Technician.
University of Virginia Health System : University Hospital Employment
UVA Physicians Group had job openings for Medical Coding & Billing Specialist - Entry / Emergency Medicine, Physician Assistant Pediatric Orthopaedics, Staff Accountant II, Assistant General Counsel, Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant Anesthesiology, Physician Assistant Urology - UVA Medical Center, Physician Surgery Culpeper Medical Associates, Physician Assistant Orthopaedics Sports Medicine, Pediatrics Physician, Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant Surgery (Valve Center) UVA Medical Center, Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant Thoracic Surgery, and Nurse Practitioner - Pediatric Neurology.
UVA Physicians Group Job Openings
Please note that the jobs listed in the Public School Jobs section represent a sampling of jobs found on a particular review date. You can visit the links provided for the most current opportunities.
Albemarle County Public Schools job listings are displayed within the Albemarle County general job listings page among other county jobs. During this review the following positions were found: School Bus Driver, Coaches - Various High Schools, Assistant Principals, EDEP Special Needs Assistant, Extended Day Enrichment Program, EDEP Teacher, Custodian, Food Service Associates, School Principal jobs, Reading Intervention, Part-Time, Technology (Engineering, Keyboarding, Entrepreneurship) Part-time, Specialized Bus Driver, Office Associate, and more.
Albemarle County Public Schools Jobs | Albemarle County Public Schools Teacher Salary Pay Scales | Human Resources
Charlottesville City Public Schools was hiring with positions listed such as Clark Elementary Principal, Venable Elementary Principal, Math Teacher Charlottesville High School, Math Teacher, 7th Grade Math Teacher Buford Middle School, English SOL Tutor, Algebra I SOL Tutor, Geometry SOL Tutor Charlottesville High School, CLASS Group Leader (hourly), Substitute Instructional Assistants, Lead Tech Support Specialist, Custodian job / Custodial position Venable Elementary School, Head JV Baseball Coach, and more.
Charlottesville City Public Schools Jobs | Human Resources
St. Anne's-Belfield School periodically accepts applications for teaching positions. Check their site for updates.
St. Anne's-Belfield School Jobs
Charlottesville Catholic School was seeking a state licensed Guidance Counselor and Substitute Teachers during this review.
Charlottesville Catholic School Job Openings
Charlottesville Waldorf School was hiring and had job openings for First-Grade Class Teacher, Third-Grade Class Teacher, and Aftercare positions. Other reviews have revealed a need for substitute positions. Check for current listings.
Charlottesville Waldorf School Employment Opportunities
The Covenant School had lower and upper school positions available during this review.
The Covenant School Jobs
The Virginia Institute of Autism VIA accepts applications for instructor positions on a continuous basis. Also, during this review, there was an opening for Clinical Director.
The Virginia Institute of Autism Employment
Please note that the jobs listed in the Higher Education Jobs section represent a sampling of jobs found on a particular review date. You can visit the links provided for the most current opportunities.
University of Virginia was hiring and had job openings listed for Housekeeping Worker, Help Desk Professional, Fitness & Instruction Assistant Director, Encyclopedia Virginia Media Editor, Systems Engineer - Department of Anesthesiology, Electrician, Library Specialist, Plumber Steamfitter, Web Developer, Mountain Lake Biological Station Office Manager, Database Manager, Lead Carpenter, Accountant, Research Scientist, Senior Programmer Analyst, Assistant/Associate Professor of Surgery,Department of Pharmacology Professional Research Staff, Administrative Assistant Department of Neurology, HVAC Mechanic, Instructor of Surgery, Programmer-Database Engineer, Web Applications Specialist University of Virginia Library, Department of Pediatrics Teaching and Research Faculty, School of Nursing Teaching and Research Faculty, Human Resources Generalist, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Audio-Visual Systems Engineer, Women's Basketball Head Coach, Computer Systems Engineer, Education Assistant, Case Manager Department of Pediatrics, Associate Academic Curator Art Museum, Assistant Registrar, Computer Systems Engineer, IT Specialist, Digital Collections Librarian, University Librarian jobs, and more.
University of Virginia Job Opportunities
Piedmont VA Community College was hiring with open positions for Full-Time Faculty Positions such as Developmental Mathematics Faculty, Emergency Medical Services Faculty, and Nursing Faculty. There was also a Full-time Staff position for Dual Enrollment Specialist/Tech Prep Coordinator. Part-time Staff positions included IT Client Services Specialist, Part-time Security Officer, Summer Career Academies Camp Leaders. Additionally there were open positions for Computer Science/Information Technology Adjunct Faculty, American Sign Language (ASL) Adjunct Faculty, Emergency Medical Services (EMT-B) Adjunct Faculty, Medical Terminology Adjunct, Nursing Adjunct Faculty, Surgical Technology Adjunct Faculty, and IT Instructors/Computer Applications.
Piedmont VA Community College Job Openings
Mary Baldwin College had job openings for Director of Development, Manager of Prospect Research, System Administrator, Personal Computer Specialist, Director of Graduate Teacher Education, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Assistant Professor of English, Professor of Religion and Chaplain to the College, Assistant Professor of History, and Assistant Professor of Theatre.
Mary Baldwin College Employment
Albemarle County Police Department periodically hires Police Officers and other support positions. During this review there were job openings for Police Officer. Check this site for updates. Opportunities exist for advancement into specialized units such as K-9, Investigations, White Collar Crimes Unit, Computer Forensics, and Drug Task Force.
Albemarle County Police Department Employment
Albemarle County Sheriffs Office | Albemarle County Job Board
The City of Charlottesville Police Department was hiring Certified Police Officers with a $5,000 incentive bonus based on experience. Charlottesville Police Officer starting salary is $35,256 / Year.
Charlottesville Police Department Employment
During this review Albemarle Fire & Rescue was hiring Firefighter EMT Emergency Medical Technician (check the county job board). Check their site for updates. Starting salary $38,727 with a pay-for-experience program in place. ALS stipend of $6,581 annually for Intermediate level and above once released to provide ALS care in their system. A career development stipend program is also in place.
Albemarle County Fire Rescue Jobs | Albemarle Job Board
Charlottesville Firefighter Employment | Firefighter Job Description | Charlottesville Job Board
University Hospital had job openings for Emergency Medicine Technician EMT during this review.
University Hospital EMT Jobs
Virginia Workforce Connection had job openings posted for Ready Mix Concrete Truck Driver, Cleaning Technician, Groundskeeper, PC Specialist, Home Delivery Driver, Customer Service Specialist - Cashier, Asset Protection / Loss Prevention job, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, Room Service Attendant, Child Care Provider, PBX Operator, Janitors and Cleaners, Maids (Housekeeping Cleaners), Janitor Alutiiq, HVAC Technician, Licensed Practical Nurse LPN, Executive Assistant, Full-time Cook, Medical Office Assistant, Housekeeper - Marriott International, Commercial Cleaner - ABM Janitorial Services, Registered Nurse RN, Certified Nursing Assistant CNA, Medical Assistant, Medical Coder, Child Care Director, Administrative Assistant, Accounting Assistant, Front Desk Receptionist, and more.
Virginia Workforce Connection
The State of Virginia had job openings posted in Albemarle County and Charlottesville for Public Health Nurse, Registered Nurse RN Department of Health, Breastfeeding Peer Counselor, Piedmont VA Community College, Nursing Faculty, Media Relations Coordinator, Human Resource Analyst, IT Info Technology Specialist, HVAC Installation and Repair Technician, Maintenance Technician, Trades Technician, Education Support Specialist, Media Editor, RN II - Nurse Practitioner I / Physician Assistant, Housekeeping Worker, Laboratory & Research Specialist, Senior Programmer Analyst, Trades Technician, and more. When performing a search be sure to select Albemarle and Charlottesville.
Virginia State Government Jobs
Make sure you are dealing with reputable companies before applying. During this review the Charlottesville Craigslist had job announcements such as iMac Installer, Housekeepers Needed, Front Desk Agent, Home Builder Needed - Room Addition, Home Care jobs, Dental Assistant, Business Writer, Loss Prevention Supervisor, Painter, Medical Records Site Coordinator, Office Clerk, Server, Janitorial Evening Floor Tech, Custodian - Groundskeeper, Waitresses, Bartenders, Waitstaff / Salesperson, Certified Nursing Assistant CNA - Private Care, Office Assistant, Secretary 1 (Salvation Army), Front Desk Associate / Receptionist, Junior Developer PHP/MySQL/Javascript, Elderly Care (Charlottesville), and more.
Charlottesville Craigslist
The Cavalier Daily is the independent daily newspaper at the University of Virginia.
The Cavalier Daily Classifieds Jobs
USAJOBS | CareerOneStop | Indeed |
EducationAmerica | HigherEdJobs | Monster |
ZipRecruiter | Glassdoor | SimplyHired |
Staffing agencies hire on a temporary, temporary-to-hire, and direct-hire basis. Here you may find office work, accounting jobs, nursing jobs, general labor, light warehouse, industrial assembly jobs, management, call center, customer service, administrative, clerical, custodial jobs, and more.
Adecco Staffing | Elwood Staffing | Express Employment Professionals | Kelly Services | Manpower Inc. Staffing
Learn how to apply for unemployment benefits, workers’ compensation, welfare or temporary assistance, and other programs and services that can help if you lose your job.
USA GOV Unemployment Help
Aerotek's positions fill quickly, but they're always adding new opportunities. Check their listings regularly and keep your profile updated. Click here to view listings in Virginia.
For the latest job listings we recommend signing up for Worklooker's Job Alerts so that you can monitor a variety of fresh listings in your region.