Law Enforcement agencies in Brevard County Florida are listed below. This list includes local City Police Departments and the Brevard County Sheriff's Office. The Brevard Police Academy located in Melbourne FL is listed below or you can check for other Police Academies in Florida. The links provided below lead to the job opening or recruitment pages for these agencies.
Brevard Sheriff's Office offers excellent training and advancement opportunities. BCSO tends to have frequent job opening for Deputy Sheriff and Corrections Deputy positions. Check this site frequently for updates. Opportunities frequently exist for positions such as Communications 911 Dispatchers, in administration, and various clerical positions. Because of its size, you may advance into special assignments such as K-9, Marine Patrol, Marine Rescue, SWAT, investigations and more.
Brevard County Sheriff's Office Job Openings
Cocoa Police Department has approximately 72 sworn police officers, and 25 support staff. Jobs range from Police Officer and Communications Dispatcher, to Records Tech and Property and Evidence Technician. Special assignments include: Investigations, SWAT, Crisis Negotiations, K-9, School Resource Officer, Traffic Unit and more. Their site mentions lateral opportunities that may exist, and a link for equivalency training for out of state police officers.
Cocoa Police Department Jobs
The Cocoa Beach Police Department has 36 sworn Police Officers and approximately 14 support staff positions. Patrols consist of marked and unmarked patrol vehicles, ATV Beach Patrol, bicycle police and marine police utilizing watercraft. Cocoa Beach is a residential community and a tourist destination with a base population of 12,631 citizens.
Jobs with Cocoa Beach Police Department
The Indialantic Police Department has approximately 12 sworn police officers (full-time and part-time). The communications center has approximately 4 full-time and 5 part-time 911 dispatchers. Administrative positions, Property Evidence and Records Clerk jobs positions also exist.
Indialantic Police Department Jobs
Indian Harbour Beach Police Department has approximately 19 sworn Police Officers and 10 support staff positions. Please note that the city site was in development and may be offline. You can check back for updates.
Indian Harbour Beach Police Department
MPD posts job openings periodically. Specialized units include Canine K-9, Marine Patrol, Detectives, Motorcycle (Traffic), SWAT, Hostage Negotiation, Field Training Officers FTO, and more. The current starting salary for Patrol Officers is $38,273.56 per year. The department has approximately 168 Sworn Officers, 68 Non-Sworn Civilian Personnel, 21 Part-Time Crossing Guards, and 6 Reserve Police Officers.
Melbourne Police Department Employment
The City of Melbourne Beach Police has 10 sworn Police Officers and 1 Administrative Assistant. Melbourne Beach Police Department is a full service law enforcement agency. During review the department was hiring for the position of Reserve Police Officer. Check their site for the latest information.
Employment with City of Melbourne Beach Police
Job openings for Melbourne International Airport Police Department are advertised on the City of Melbourne's website. There are approximately 12 officers working at the airport.
Melbourne International Airport Police Department | Job Postings
The Palm Bay Police Department is the largest city police department in Brevard. PBPD has approximately 172 sworn officers. New hires start in patrol but can quickly advance and take on special assignments such as K-9, SWAT, Underwater Recovery Team, investigations, DUI, narcotics and more.
Palm Bay Police Department Employment
The City of Rockledge Police Department located near Viera FL, has approximately 52 sworn Police Officers and more than 18 support staff and related positions. Recently their site was updated with more information. Officers joining RPD can look forward to a career that offers opportunities for advancement, specialty and leadership training. Rockledge is the oldest city in Brevard with a long history of employing female police officers. Today, seven women carry an RPD badge, and the department is proud to have them within our ranks.
Rockledge Police Department Employment
The Satellite Beach Police Department is comprised of 21 sworn law enforcement officers, 15 full or permanent part time civilian support personnel including dispatchers, along with 6 school crossing guards. Through careful employee selection, constant training and progressive community programs, the department offers the citizens of Satellite Beach the highest level of community policing, leadership, and customer service available.
Satellite Beach Police
The Titusville Police Department consists of 54 sworn Police Officers including supervisory level staff. Special assignments become open upon advancement to areas such as investigations and special operations such as K-9 and ATV beach patrol.
Job Openings Titusville Police Department
The West Melbourne Police Department traces its roots back to 1959 shortly after the City was created. Today the department consists of 35 sworn officers and 7 civilian support staff personnel. The department is responsible for the protection and safety of West Melbourne's 19,118 residents.
West Melbourne Police Department
To become a Police Officer or Deputy Sheriff anywhere in the State of Florida you will need to complete a Basic Recruit Training Program. The Brevard Police Testing Center located in Melbourne is the starting-point for individuals seeking a career with a Law Enforcement Agency. BPTC and the Law Enforcement Academy are located at the Criminal Justice Center, on the Melbourne Campus of Eastern Florida State College.
Police Training in Brevard | Melbourne - Brevard County Police Academy
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